Guidance for March - 3
If you want to play the game of love
Then step onto the path
With your head in your hand
When you pace your feet on this path,
Give your head, and never mind public opinion.
Welcoming the month of march, the third of the year, we enter the time of spring in the northern hemisphere. The dark season is over and outer movement starts to happen.
The trees and plants start to grow once again in the turning wheel of the season. Shapes and patterns of growth become visible. Leaves emerge and the world gets more colorful and rich again. With the increasing hours of sunlight, warmth comes slowly back to us and the element of fire brings life forth. It is a time where also we humans start to move more again - outside of our cozy houses to prepare the year to be what we imagine it to be.
Are you already aware of what you want to create this year? For yourself and the world?
It is the time to leave the sleepiness behind and to understand the power of creation anew.
Nothing needs to be repeated, but everything can.
See your future in the most profound and beautiful light and colors you wish. The power which you carry inside of you, which supports you in this process of conscious manifestation is your positive mind. It is the force of your yes. Your yes for life and growth. Your yes that affirms you on your path of you within you.
The way to this power is not always clear and easy. Our positive mind works in such a way that it affirms any voice we let truly enter our being. It can therefore also affirm our negative and destructive voices, such as “Yes! I am not worthy” or “Yes! I can not”. To own our positive mind is the art we can establish and become more aware of in this season, where growth takes us on a journey into the 3 dimensional space.
Do it! Do the things you truly feel inspired to! Yes! We have heard this a thousand times. So many times, that we might not believe in its power anymore. You might say “Yes, but…” Turn it around. Right here and right now into “But Yes!”
Own your positive mind in such a way that it works for you and not against your true will, your life purpose. If we don’t own it, if we don't teach it, it will feed our subconscious patterns. Affirm what you want to grow to. Affirm your potential and let your positive mind support you in this.
Think about an action that can help you to make sure to remember your affirmation. Do something for it, even if it is something very small and symbolic. It can turn things around for you.
Creating the life you wish to live by coming into action is shaping the space you live in. It is the power you hold. We can't change the passing of time. But the shape we give to the limited time we have walking on this planet is in our hands. Do what you need to do in order to shape the life you want. You know what it is! Don’t let the mind corrupt you in this. Trust your guts, trust your instinct.
In the times we are living, what we see and how we look at things consumes us: A like here, a like there… We are being fed by Feeds that attract our attention, suggest what we should like and keep our positive mind busy. We are already “liking” so much outside that we can feel empty and can be challenged to find the yes to our own creative process. What happens when we decide to like ourselves more than someone else's visual feeding?
The world consists of all colors. Nothing is better or worse. Tell it to yourself and shine in your own light. It doesn't mean to ignore others or not to allow inspiration to enter you. But don't let yourself be eaten up by comparaison or competition. Be clear of not saying yes to what harms you. Don't add more to you because of what others might expect or like from you.
Evolve to what you are. There is no running to yourself but an unwrapping to your core. Move towards you, enjoy the shaping and creating of yourself in this world. Allow joy to come in, to play the game of your life in truth and alignment with your soul.
Meditation for the month:
We are ending this month with the words of Guru Nanak Dev Ji, sinking into the truth of the silence that follows them. Meditate on them.
Jau tau prem khelan ka chau
Sir dhar tali gali meri aau
It marag pair dharijay
Sir deejai kaan na keejay
“If you want to play the game of love
Then step onto the path
With your head in your hand
When you pace your feet on this path,
Give your head, and never mind public opinion.”