Guidance for June - 6
The only lasting beauty is the beauty of the heart.
~ Rumi
In the 6th month of the year we aren't opening up anymore. It is the state which is already in the openness. It is the state of the flower that is so open that all the insects can easily fly in and out, bathing in the charming beauty of the surrendering flower.
The 6 of this month initiates the summer season and the peak of the year’s cycle. In the perspective of numerology, we are are moving from the lower numbers to the higher numbers. It is reflected in the increased frequency of sunlight, in the abundance of fragrances, in the pregnant air full of seeds and pollen that drifts across the land.
It is time to fully expand, to fully enter the world in openness. Yet a quality much needed in this time is to be able to make conscious breaks, to come back to clarity.
In this month beauty captivates us, intoxicates our senses and stimulates us. Surrendering to the state of complete openness of our inner flower - our heart - might be scary and might come with a crack.
Do you know this feeling, how your heart seems to open painfully beautiful, almost with a sound? How your heart seems to crack and how pain and love are so close to each other?
The beauty of an open heart can be painful, yet inside of it is the key ingredient of truly caring for the world. In an open state we are not hiding anymore, we are receiving the world and we are giving to it. We understand that our way to relate is in our responsibility. The potential is to find a fierceness that is born from a truly caring heart and to become a warrior for it. It is faith that keeps us in this state, wide awake, responsive, available and truly open. It is faith that carries us through all challenges and confrontations. It is faith that supports us not to deny pain but to keep our love one step ahead of our pain - always and in all ways.
In this open state we can find the biggest gift that is called our presence. To be present means to be available for what is. It means to be ready, to be and to stay on the edge of all polarities in the now, while we face the unknown.
When we open in such a way a neutral state awakens from within, in which we stay firm to our truth without falling for anything less than our own heart. All just is! There is a natural justice that appears when we become available for what really is. When we are present without being ruled by fear we can face the unknown future from a clear and intuitive awareness that can become something like our armor. Take a few breaths and feel into this sense of how your intuition is your armor to become the warrior of your heart - to become responsible and responsive to what is yet to come on the path of your life with all its beauty and all its challenges. Breathe how this awareness can make you once again a little bit more whole, a little bit more alive.
Suggestion of the month
~ Meditate on the beauty that surrounds you.
~ Feel how your love and how your pain become a pool of creativity and express in any way you like - through music, poetry, art or dance. Take your time for this!