Guidance for November - 11
Bring forth the quality of being a brother, a sister to other souls on their way to to their soul! Feel how you walk shoulder to shoulder with all humanity!
We arrived in the month of november. The years cycle is about to end. In a way it is a new beginning, as we are entering in the dark time of the year. It is a time to plant new seeds.
As a way of doing this, we are pleased to start sharing monthly inspirations and guidance through the wisdom of Karam Kriya, applied numerology as taught by Shiv Charan Singh.
The month of november is the 11. There are always two ways of living the qualities of each number. No number is in itself good or bad. The way we live, grow and integrate it in our lives is in our hands and can be a key for deep transformation.
Look at the symbol, and you see that 11 consists of two Ones. It can be either reduced to a 2 or lived as an 11 in the sense of 10 +1. The possibility of this number is to live a relationship with the Divine, that makes One feel belonging. A relationship that gives a sense of „Me within Me“ and yet One with the Divine. It is the relationship of the little One, the 1 and the big One the 10. The 11 hast the capacity to show us, like a mirror our own divinity and Godliness. It can also open us up to live all relationships in this way. Shoulder to shoulder, as brothers and sisters, walking together - In the deep knowing, that the only way to truly relate is, when each 1 stays a 1 - Journeying and deepening the individual relationship to soul.
As we see the 11 consists of two Ones, the topic of the month of November is also to go into solitude.
The days are shorter, the darkness becomes bigger. The way is inward, and invites us to deepen our relationship with our own soul. But as the 11 mirrors this lightful, radiating oneness with the divine it can also mirror our deeper emotions and we live it as a 2 in its karmic expression. We loose the sense of our Oneness, our All-One-Ness and we start to feel separated, longing for connection, we meet our darkness, our tears and we might drown for a while in it.
It is not about denying the shadow, the longing, the darkness. Yet how can we maintain a relationship with our inner Light and the light of the One, while we rest in our Self?
It is when we look at the gift the 11 brings, we might find an answer to this.
It is the Prasaad, the blessing that the light is the case and that it will always be there.
It will always come back to us, even if we don ́t expect it anymore.
Discover it! Dive into it! It is the time to deep dive, and to harvest what you learned in this years cycle. In a deeper, more inner way than all the months before.
What can you do to support this process?
Meditate and reflect on your relationships.
How can you establish the quality of being shoulder to shoulder in your relationship?
Bring forth the quality of being a brother, a sister to other souls on their way to to their soul! Feel how you walk shoulder to shoulder with all humanity!
Meditate on your relationship with God and repeat:
God and Me, me and God are One for as much as it calls you.
Suggested Mantra & Meditation:
Ek Ong Kar Sat Gur Prasaad.
The creator and the creation are One.
That is the true Gurus Blessing.
Meditate on the meaning! Meditate with this mantra: