Guidance for April - 4
The first step to happiness is commitment. In committing to something that supports your true nature you choose yourself. You choose an open hearted space, that is love. You choose to be human as a part of humanity.
In the fourth month of the year we open up. Something is getting lighter. The element of air carries the sound of awakening to our ears in the song of the birds and to our noses in the fragrance of the blossoming flowers. It is as if we forget each year again, that the moment of awakening will come. A heaviness on our hearts, whose mysteries only the winter beholds, is softly being blown away.
This month the invitation is to do a reality check. Maybe you still feel a weight on your heart or in your body. Allow yourself to feel deeply what wants to be elevated from that heaviness without denying the heavy and dark side of life. In the month of march many plans for the year have been made, action was invited in. Now is the moment to pause again and to sink deeper, in order to awaken more profoundly for the opportunities this year might bring. It is not just about growth but also about the awakening of the inner flower, that is our heart.
In this remarkable change of the season, trust can be called in, accessed and deeply inhaled: A trust in life, in opening and flowering. Something awakens within. Let it be trust! Let it be faith! Let it be Aliveness! Pause in this moment and breathe it all in. Call it into being, into a true and raw human moment with yourself. Nothing is to be searched up out there. Deeply within your very Being you Are. Hold this moment, but don’t hold your breath. Let the awakening of spring happen, with every breath, deeper in your heart.
May the breath of life be received in you in such a way that it opens you to the moment you are living. Look around. We all are breathing this air. Let us awaken to the heart of the human community. Is your trust in humanity alive or broken? Can you imagine embodying love beyond reason? Being the hope of the hopeless? To be that means to move out of confusion and doubt and to live from a place of integrity and decision. Rather than letting yourself be ruled by confusion and doubt, use them as a portal of transformation: To see the things as they are and to commit for what serves us, in order to serve others.
The first step to happiness is commitment. In committing to something that supports your true nature you choose yourself. You choose an open hearted space, that is love. You choose to be human as a part of humanity. How can we live together for each other rather than for our own individual ideas and stories?
The fourth Guru of the Sikhs Guru Ram Dass founded the Golden Temple that symbolizes the state of the open human heart. It is enchantingly beautiful and open to all sides and surrounded by waters that nourish and cleanse everyone, as we are all made of the same elements, of the same creator. There is a We in Me.
Can you put yourself into life with all that you are? To serve each other in small, simple acts of kindness is a living prayer. Let us make this to all that counts, to breathe it, breath by breath.
Suggestion for the month
~ Meditate on your heartbeat, meditate on your breath. Inhale Sat and exhale Naam. The meaning of Sat Naam is “true identity“.
~ The mantra of the month is Hammi Ham Brahm Ham, you can practice it with the Open Lotus Heart Meditation: